This is Life with Shawn Johnson
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
61 episodes of This is Life with Shawn Johnson since the first episode, which aired on July 12th, 2019.
Episode 60: Hell hath no fury like an untamed tongue!
April 26th, 2021 | 29 mins 43 secs
bullying, evil, mean, peacemaker, tongue, untamed
Did you know that the Bible is explicit just how dangerous an unruly tongue can be? We are warned overwhelmingly to tame the tongue. If left unchecked, disorder, confusion and every evil work will be the consequence. This is why there is so much division in America and even in America's churches today. Our selfish ambition is causing a flood of damage across our society and the words most "Christians" say has a lot to do with it.
Episode 59: Live in Love, not Fear! God loves you!
April 18th, 2021 | 41 mins 37 secs
fear, humility, jesus, love, perfect, phobia
Fear is a staple in today's churches. Fear is used to control congregations and to keep the people from living free in Jesus! We are taught that God is eagerly anticipating punishing us and chastising us for sin. This is simply NOT TRUE! We are to stand in amazement of God not cower in fear of Him. Don't believe me?'ll hear straight from the scriptures yourself.
Episode 58: "Do the will of God"....Ok and how do I do that exactly?
April 10th, 2021 | 36 mins 28 secs
deconstruct, jesus, just, love, mercy, will of god
What does God expect of you and me? This may seem like a loaded question but the Bible is pretty specific and straightforward when it comes to what God requires of us....and the answer may surprise you! We have not been told the truth in today's churches about what is most important to the Lord.
Episode 57: Back by Request: The Random Question Generator #4!
April 2nd, 2021 | 37 mins 40 secs
In every feedback Shawn receives for the show we always hear how much you guys love the "Random Question Generator" shows! What better day than "Good Friday" to have a little fun as we head into the celebratory weekend of Jesus' resurrection.
Episode 56: Ask Questions! Lots of Questions!
March 26th, 2021 | 19 mins 15 secs
communication, conversation, family, first dates, fun, questions
It's been a long week, and honestly this podcast almost didn't happen. Coming to you live from a hotel room somewhere in Dallas, exhausted from work and lack of sleep, Shawn musters up enough energy to bring you another episode of your favorite podcast! This time we talk about finding new ways to get to know the people we love! Ask questions! Shawn brings us 60 questions that we can ask our friends and loved ones to get to know them a little better. Enjoy this short episode and take these questions and use them!
Episode 55: LOVE YOUR LIFE! Ecc 9:7 Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for it is now that God favors what you do."
March 19th, 2021 | 36 mins 24 secs
agape, drink, eat, joyful, life, love, merry
If you've grown up in the church like me, you've been taught all your life that in order to love Jesus we have to hate this life. Actually, the complete opposite is true! God wants us to love this life and everything/every one in it! Take a journey with Shawn as he explains Phileo love VS. Agape Love and why it's important to know the difference. Never let anyone tell you this life isn't worth living and loving! A live dog is better than a dead lion. If you're living...YOU HAVE HOPE
Episode 54: "The Bible says so" is not enough!
March 12th, 2021 | 48 mins 31 secs
bible, conspiracy, evangelism, fear
"Jesus loves me, this I know...for the Bible tells me so" We all remember learning this song in Sunday school. which is great....for Sunday school. As disciples of Jesus, even the Bible itself tells us it is not sufficient for evangelical purposes. Acting out the love and compassion of Jesus is what draws others to him, not our ability to aimlessly throw scripture at them.
Episode 53: Mind Yo' Business!
March 5th, 2021 | 43 mins 21 secs
Whenever we are faced with opposition and disagreements with other people, there is this moment when we have a choice on how that fight will impact our life. We can either seek reconciliation, vengeance or bitterness. Jesus gave us clear instructions in Matthew 7 how we are to handle disputes. There is power in seeing recognizing and fixing our own faults before we even think about pointing out the faults in someone else.
Episode 52: Random Question Generator Take 3
February 26th, 2021 | 35 mins 7 secs
GREETINGS! We take a break from preaching and go to the Random Question Generator to get to know our host a little more.
Episode 51: “Feed my sheep”
February 19th, 2021 | 47 mins 50 secs
colorado city, help, ice, love, mayor, serve, texas
There is an old saying that says "God only helps those who help themselves" Guess what..You won't find that in the scripture. There are no check boxes that have to be marked to be eligible for God's help, neither should there be amongst ourselves. Whenever anyone is in need, this is the moment a follower of Jesus shines! Why waste time on considering if they deserve your help or not?! Jesus didn't waste time considering qualifications and neither should we.
Episode 50: CLANG CLANG CRASH CLANG CLANG! Ahhh, the sounds of good intentions without the love of God...
February 12th, 2021 | 39 mins 35 secs
agape, corinthians, faith, love, unconditional
We can have all the talents, gifts, blessings, even the best intentions ....but if we do not have love...we have NOTHING! And not just love, but AGAPE...Unconditional love! A careful study of 1 Corinthians 13 shows us how all things we do should be done on a launchpad of God's love. Nothing else matters if Love is not our motivation and end goal.
Episode 49: RELAX: God's got this!
February 5th, 2021 | 28 mins 42 secs
2020 got a bad wrap. Yes it was a really really rough year, but was it the worst year in history? When you take history into full perspective mankind has suffered much more over the years and has always found a way to overcome. This is especially true for people of faith! Don't let your fears or anxiety guide you through this next year, but focus on the goodness and faithfulness of God.
Episode 48: Nothing we say or do can change God's will
January 29th, 2021 | 45 mins 37 secs
comfort, false prophecy, god, love, peace, plans, unity, wins, worry
Big pill to swallow today! What if I told you that nothing you or I say or do can change God's will. Does that scare you or comfort you? Shawn takes us on another scriptural journey and hopefully brings you peace as we remember that God has everything in control.
Episode 47: Only the foolish love to fight
January 22nd, 2021 | 1 hr 2 mins
diablo, division, fight, jesus, love, quarrel
We are no doubt living in the most contentious, divisive and argumentative culture any of us have ever seen! We are given so many methods to communicate but we tend to use those methods to tear each other apart rather than build each other up! Using TONS of scriptures, Shawn challenges us to be contributors to the solution and use love to overcome division
Episode 46: Please don't weaponize your faith...let's not curse people M'Kay?
January 15th, 2021 | 43 mins 53 secs
capitol, covid, curse, jesus, love, pandemic, spiritual, warfare
Tensions are rising, the world is becoming unstable, a pandemic is circling the globe, the United States Capitol building is being raided...this all sounds like a great time for Christians to start cursing people to death, sickness and poverty right? Well to some people, even some Pastors, it's a perfect time. Do we have the authority to curse people? If we do, is that even a good idea? Shawn helps us to understand what our reaction should be to people who threaten us our or values. (Hint: Its NOT to put curses on them)
Episode 45: First off, ITS GREAT TO BE BACK! Oh and uhh....So....I got the 'Vid
January 8th, 2021 | 49 mins 4 secs
coronavirus, covid, faith, god, ozarks, pandemic, sovereign
After nearly half a year, Shawn is back! Welcome to 2021...boy do we have a few things to talk about. In this episode Shawn shares his story about how he started the year off in the most unexpected way....getting the Covid-19 virus. Hear how a weekend anniversary trip to the Ozarks ended with bringing home a souvenir no one expected.