This is Life with Shawn Johnson
Tackling life's ups and downs together with real experiences and real people
We found 1 episode of This is Life with Shawn Johnson with the tag “controversial”.
Episode 42: Masks - The perfect opportunity to show Christ's love
July 24th, 2020 | 32 mins 3 secs
controversial, coronapocalypse, covid-19, disciple, jesus, love, masks, scamdemic
During this Coronapocalypse, it seems that not only is there a virus in the molecular level but also a virus of offense and division when it comes to wearing masks. Why are masks so controversial? As Christians, are we missing out on an awesome opportunity to show Christ's love by simply placing a piece of fabric over our nose and mouth when we go out in public? YES! Too many Christians are mask deniers and today we talk about how irresponsible and anti-christian it is to refuse to wear one.