This is Life with Shawn Johnson
Tackling life's ups and downs together with real experiences and real people
We found 1 episode of This is Life with Shawn Johnson with the tag “drink”.
Episode 55: LOVE YOUR LIFE! Ecc 9:7 Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for it is now that God favors what you do."
March 19th, 2021 | 36 mins 24 secs
agape, drink, eat, joyful, life, love, merry
If you've grown up in the church like me, you've been taught all your life that in order to love Jesus we have to hate this life. Actually, the complete opposite is true! God wants us to love this life and everything/every one in it! Take a journey with Shawn as he explains Phileo love VS. Agape Love and why it's important to know the difference. Never let anyone tell you this life isn't worth living and loving! A live dog is better than a dead lion. If you're living...YOU HAVE HOPE