Episode 010: This is Life with guest Eryn D. - Topic "Real talk about teenage suicide, depression and anxiety in 2019"


September 6th, 2019

50 mins 45 secs

Your Host
Special Guest

About this Episode

This week we tackle the not talked about enough subjects of teenage suicide, anxiety and depression. Many teens and parents would much rather just brush off these topics as "teenage angst" or "hormonal changes" but the reality is the rate of U.S. adolescents and young adults dying of suicide has reached its highest level in nearly two decades. This is an epidemic that must be addressed and discussed if we have any hope in our future. It's easy to blame the news media, social networks or pop culture, but the conversation must start at home. This is an important episode for everyone to hear. Many people, especially adolescents, who are battling depression remain silent as they sufer alone. What are the warning signs? What are practical things you and I can do to help prevent someone from causing themselves harm? Hear Eryn's personal story of overcoming deep depression and even an attempted suicide and how she is now living a life of hope and happiness once again.

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