This is Life with Shawn Johnson
Tackling life's ups and downs together with real experiences and real people
About the show
The objective of "This is Life" is to help answer the almighty question, "Why?" We all go through life’s ups and downs. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a place where you could listen to everyday people talk about everyday experiences and gain wisdom on how to handle your own life's battles? We can learn so much from each other if we just listen. This life that we have been given is not only a gift, but a tool to use the experiences of this life and make it better for others. It is our duty as mankind to execute the power inside of us to create peace, love and goodness to this world. Every living soul is worth of unconditional love, respect and kindness. God's love knows no boundaries and neither should ours.
This is Life with Shawn Johnson on social media
Episode 44: He Can, He will, But Even if he doesn't....
August 14th, 2020 | 36 mins 13 secs
endurance, faith, god, love, pain, sacrifice, suffering
Unfortunately many believers have the wrong idea about faith and belief in God. The American church has created this vending machine God where if you put enough faith and money in, you can get whatever the desires of your heart are out. Friends, it just isn't this way. In fact, the truth is so much greater! It has never been about what WE want, it's all about what GOD wants. (which btw, IS SO MUCH BETTER)
Episode 43: Random Question Generator Take 2
July 31st, 2020 | 26 mins 55 secs
conversation, friendship, fun, question, random
Taking a break from the serious things of the world, we fire up the good ol' random question generator. I answer these questions and also give them to you to learn more about the people in your life. Let's go!
Episode 42: Masks - The perfect opportunity to show Christ's love
July 24th, 2020 | 32 mins 3 secs
controversial, coronapocalypse, covid-19, disciple, jesus, love, masks, scamdemic
During this Coronapocalypse, it seems that not only is there a virus in the molecular level but also a virus of offense and division when it comes to wearing masks. Why are masks so controversial? As Christians, are we missing out on an awesome opportunity to show Christ's love by simply placing a piece of fabric over our nose and mouth when we go out in public? YES! Too many Christians are mask deniers and today we talk about how irresponsible and anti-christian it is to refuse to wear one.
8 Minutes 46 Seconds Challenge
June 13th, 2020 | 9 mins 47 secs
46 seconds, 8 minutes, 846 challenge, blm, challenge, floyd, george
On May 25, 2020 George Floyd lost consciousness and later died after a police officer had his knee on his neck for a full 8 minutes and 46 seconds. It's easy to just dismiss this information until you actually realize just how long 8 minutes and 46 seconds is. Take the challenge and see for yourself.
Episode 041: 8 Minutes 46 Seconds Challenge Explained
June 13th, 2020 | 19 mins 48 secs
46 seconds, 8 minutes, blm, challenge, floyd, george, jesus, love
People are hurting, church where are you!? Don't abandon society right now, fight for whats right! Shawn issues a 8min 46 sec challenge to sit in silence for the same duration as the police officer's leg was on the neck of George Floyd. Let the time slowly tick by as you reflect and think about all that is going on the world today. The time for change is now. We have the answer in Jesus, let's show the world what HE can do!
Episode 040: Time to start thinking! Free yourself!
June 12th, 2020 | 33 mins 27 secs
2020, bible, chaos, covid, gentleness, jesus, love, protests
We are being bombarded with change whether we like it or not. Some call this progress others call it chaos. Regardless, God is still God and believers still have a duty to be the source of good to this world. The bible tells us to let our gentleness be evident to all. How can we be gentle when the world around us is in such disarray? We guard our hearts and minds with the peace of God.
Episode 039: Trading Suffering for Joy
May 26th, 2020 | 45 mins 9 secs
discipline, distractions, endurance, joy, pain, suffering
When Jesus went to the cross, what was it that kept him strong? The answer; He had joy knowing that you and I would be free because of the cross. His compassion was his strength. His love was His salvation. His Joy was you and me. We too can trade our own "crosses" for joy if we keep our eyes on Jesus. There is literally nothing in this world we can't overcome if we see these experiences as means to complete a work in us.
Episode 038: 5 Excuses we are all guilty of saying
May 12th, 2020 | 39 mins 53 secs
burning bush, excuses, god, moses, why
Throughout the bible there are great Women and Men of God who did great things in the Lord's name. Just about everyone of them fought God with excuses on why they were not capable of doing what the Lord asked of them. Fast forward thousands of years later, and we are doing the same thing. This episode helps us all to recognize theses excuses and how we can overcome them to get on with the Fathers work.
Episode 037: Do you have to go to Church to BE the Church?
April 20th, 2020 | 1 hr 5 mins
1st amendment, church, coronavirus, covid19, pandemic, pastor, usa
Pastors everywhere quote Hebrews 10:25 telling their congregation that the scripture "commands" us to fellowship together. What does this scripture actually mean when it tells us to not "forsake the gathering" of believers. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, churches all across the nation are being asked (even required) to find alternate ways to meet and worship together without actually being together. What does the scripture have to say about how we should respond? Are our rights being taken away? We welcome friend of the show, CJ, to discuss these important questions and more!
Episode 36: Covid-19 Life with Matt Q.
April 10th, 2020 | 1 hr 12 mins
battle, control, coronavirus, covid19, essential, peace, sanity, serenity
What does life look like for you now that we are in a coronavirus crisis? Even though we are all in the same pandemic boat we each have a different vantage point of what that looks like. I work from home, Matt is an essential employee working for a local state department. We discuss how this pandemic may change society as we know it and we also discuss ways to stay connected even though we are forced to be apart.
Episode 35: It's a Small World! All about Space with Matt Q! BONUS EPISODE
April 7th, 2020 | 1 hr 5 mins
apollo, creation, earth, moon, science, space, sun, world
It's time for some science! Shawn welcomes Matt Q. as they discuss one of Matt's favorite topics...SPACE! Take a break from the Coronavirus coverage and have fun while being educated on the vastness of space! Great topic for a BONUS EPISODE of This is Life.
Episode 34: I Can Control vs. I Can't Control
April 3rd, 2020 | 46 mins 8 secs
battle, control, coronavirus, covid19, peace, sanity, serenity
Sometimes a little perspective is exactly what we need to get through life's battles. Shawn helps us to separate what we should hold on to and what we should let go in theses uncertain and strange days of pandemic.
Episode 33: Comfort in the Coronapocalypse
March 27th, 2020 | 35 mins 52 secs
comfort, coronavirus, encouragement, inspire, panic, peace, world
The world is in a standstill. Covid-19 now rules all of our lives. How can we find comfort in the midst of what's going on in the world right now? How can we still be pillars of strength in dark times? Be encouraged! You're not alone!
Episode 032: Don't be a slave to fear!
March 13th, 2020 | 28 mins 40 secs
compassion, coronavirus, covid19, fear, patience, peace, sound mind
Fear, Panic, Toilet Paper, Costco, Cancellations, Pandemic, WHO, CDC...all words you will hear within 5 minutes of any news broadcast during March 2020. We are under attack but who or what are we under attack from? The Spirit of Fear. Take control of fear, do not let it control you. Through love and compassion we can overcome any obstacle (or virus) that comes our way.
Episode 031: What's on the other side of your "YES"?
March 6th, 2020 | 33 mins 51 secs
fear, goals, god, winning, yes
It is time to finally say "YES"! Fear cannot keep us from achieving our goals any longer. If God is for us, who can be against us!? Say YES and watch what happens!
Episode 030: Matt Q is back in the studio! An hour of being a fly in the room when we get rolling!
February 28th, 2020 | 1 hr 4 mins
Matt Q is back in the studio! (along with the bulldog Piper, you'll hear her believe me) We talk everything from politics to cable TV to social media and creativity to overcoming your fears and all sorts of things in between. Lots of fun!